Yeahhh. Figured I should just keep a blog during my six month stay in Melbourne, partly because I doubt I can remember everything and just want to keep stuff as memories, and partly because.. well Gippsland is a hella boring place. There's really not much to do here! Literally. I'm back in Syndenham now at Uncle Eddy's place, thankfully. But that's only because there's the Abroad orientation going on in Clayton this week. Next week is when I move back to the land of wild bunnies roaming around my not-so-big-but-complicated campus. Meh. ):

Totally does not help that v-line tickets are so expensive too! Fortnightly trips to the city it is, I can't afford to make one every week. Psh. But oh well, I'll be the asian kid who sits in her room and stares at her computer all day, school-shooter tendencies and all. xD Fingers still crossed that I'll make awesome friends and have an awesome six months here, but I'm all resigned to being friendless and sticking to my room.

But ah well, life sucks that way. Loneliness, here I come! xD
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