Second last day in Gramma's house! We played Mahjong again. xD Can you say addicted?
We had to stop halfway though, cause it was my baby cousins birthdays, so we were gonna use the table for the birthday cake.
Cousins, because both of them have birthdays just days apart, except Faye is about three years older then Wei. xD
Thats the family building a human wall because even with the fan turned off, the wind was still too strong and prevented us from lighting the candles. xD It actually worked!
Oh, cousins boyfriend came over for a visit too! She's the only one with a boyfriend now, so all the cousins plus a couple of aunts and uncles came in to watch the 'interrogation'. God forbid when I bring my own back, if I eventually get one. Poor guy. xD
Ended up giving the younger cousin her birthday present the day after, on her actual birthday date. Stuffed rabbit! xD
I cooked! Er, sorta. Made Sausage Strips? I have no idea what you call them.
Thats what they turn out like though, and I somehow find it absolutely adorable. xD
The bush behind my grandmother's house always surrounded by fluttering butterflies~
I actually did work when I went to my aunts shop the next day! Wrapping chocolates for Valentines. xD
I love the netting they use, its so pretty!
I er... made the ones around it? D: Don't ask me to wrap bouquets. They were too expensive for me to handle. xD
My favourite color combi!
Pretty flowers!
Roses for Valentines too! They cost a Bomb, and I was shocked when my aunt told me. D:
Removing excess leaves and thorns. Before we took out the netting keeping it shut...
...And look at it! Its huge! So pretty though~
Creepy spider I saw at aunt's shop. D:
I made spring rolls! This was the filling. Instead of using mangkuang and bean sprouts though, I used cabbage and carrots and some meat. Something I learned from Australia. xD
The skin~
And then you fry them! I always have a bias for spring rolls, oddly. I think I just like the skin stuff, cause I love gyozas.
Dinner on the last night we were there before going home the next day!
Check out what we found at the restaurant. *shivers* Creeps me out.
Huge anount of cousins again. xD The one in black was always good with children. xD She's only 13 but she's amazing with them.
Yeah, the one I have catfights with when I was younger. xP Sleepyyy. :p
They hardly sit down to eat dinner. >.<>

And its home the next day, thankfully with now jam. Tis my huge ice cream waffle as usual in Tapah for lunch, because I can't stomach anything else. Dx
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