The shed the walls and everything has been there since forever. xD But the bad side is that there's so many bugs there, I get creeped out sometimes. Especially the shed behind the house, has always had a wasp/bee living there. And they make the loudest buzzing noises. T_T

Oh! Get this. I went back to my grandma's house in Penang, came back to KL on the 10th... and went back to Penang on the 13th again by plane, this time for a holiday with friends. Nice, huh? xD We stayed at Caryn's place! The most epically gorgeous glass house ever. Lookit the windows at the master bedroom!

I would love this drawer. solves my OCD problem once and for all. xD

My favourite place in the whole house! The attic/ top floor. Its gorgeous! If I had this place in my house, I'd be perpetually having sleepovers there. xD

It was at a pretty housing area halfway up to Batu Ferhinggi.

I captured slaves to serve me there. *evil laughter* One of them was being cheeky. xD

Popiah at Ferhinggi food court! I love it there♥ It felt a little odd being only with friends there though, cause I've always went with my family, barring none. xP

Breakfast! At the little place just below where we were staying at Ferhinggi.

Mei had pancakes, which me and Lei couldn't resist and ordered it for 'dessert'. It ended up being too much though. Was so full after that ~_~

The gorgeous lovely yolk of a poached egg♥ I love half-cooked yolks!
Fries and ice lemon tea!
Butterfly park on the second day we were there! Coincidentally, it was also Valentine's Day, so the Butterfly Park was having some sort of event. We were given the flutterby's to release! :P
Saw so many eggs there, they dotted everywhere!
So pretty butterflies, can? ♥
Told you it was V-day there. xD They even had balloons and stuff dotting the place.
Scorpions! *screams and runs*
Can you see what I see? ^_^
They had gorgeous landscaping there too! I could see cobwebs all over the place. And cause they have a sprinkler system to water the plants I think, the waterdroplets hanging off the webs made it easy to take visible pictures of them!♥
They even had waterfalls! Pretty landscaping, no? xD
For the V-day event, some love porch I think, they called it. I found it really nice. :p
A friend showed us this. Butterfly playing dead. xD

Third day! Headed down to Gurney Plaze for shopping. Ended up in Winter Warmers for some tea. I loved the place ever since my cousin showed it to me last year! They should totally have a branch in KL, like fersrs. I would be its most loyal customer. xD

My iced mixed fruit tea! See how it comes in an adorable jug and the cutest martini glass? ♥

Wanted to go to Gurney Hawker for dinner, but it ended up raining so we ended up in Clinic Cafe. Remember the one I wanted to show you guys but ended up deleting all my pictures by accident? =.=

Night times at the house was a little creepy, cause there was only electricity in certain parts of the house, but is all good with friends. Lookit!

Last day! We were at Queensbay, luggage and all before take off time, because its the nearest to the airport. Mei's honeystars covered BR ice cream!

Dinner at the Japanese place Anne showed me the last time at Queensbay, which has the best Tamago♥

And udon! ♥

And with that we went home on our 11pm flight~ I haven't seen that ceiling in years, ever since we started driving home. But it still hasn't changed, my aquarium ceiling. xD
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