Where did I stop last time? *checks* Oh yeah! After the fair. Shien was back home and all, so we went to Pyramid to ice skate on Monday. I haven't skated in... a long, loooong time. So yeah, I pretty much failed at it. Fell god knows how many times, but I like it when people brings me for a ride! Anyone willing to let me hook on to them and you do all the skating? ^__^
What did we do after that? Er. Cwap, I don't remember. Oh yeah! Went to Empire and stuff on Tuesday with the two of them, and then...er Wednesday I don't really remember. Super stone at home, all I remember was that we went out somewhere. And the mother didn't let us go Langkawi. So instead.... on Wednesday midnight, or Thursday superbly early in the morning, depending on how you look at it, JJ's friend, David, invited her to Genting.
And we all tumpang-ed cause either way, we'll stone at home anyway. So went to Genting on Thursday morning!
Boat ride! The lil paddling boats you sit on. Believe it or not, I've only sat on this thing once before this. And I don't even remember how old I was. Pretty monotonous though, but is pretty! And very cooling, no? xD
Rather stoned though, cause all you do is paddle, and basically camwhore in the middle of the lake. Me and J were in two different boats yo! And we still managed to camwhore. Girls are awesome. 8D
Pirate boat! Where we screamed for the heck of it, because really, that thing is the furthest thing from scary. We even sang up there dang you. But after that it started rainingggg. And we ran inside to First World to have lunch and do more stoning there till after the rain subsided. Did a bit of shopping too! But its Genting, you're ridiculous if you shop there. Things there are so horribly overpriced.

It stopped raining after a while, so we went back out, and the first ride we went on was the OMGWTFBBQSCARY FERRIS WHEEL. Because Corkscrew was closed and JJ didn't want to sit that anyway, so we went to the OMGSUPERSCARY FERRIS WHEEL. SO HIGH UP CAN DIE. xDD Even spotted a guy cleaning the Space Shot ride! I'll never get on that ride, period. Stories freak me out.
Dinosaurland! Because yes, we were that much stoning and all the rides were starting to close again from the rain. Again. *fumes* David's feeding fishies again. Like J said, we're basically paying them to help them feed the fishes! Which is ludicrous, but oh what the heck, we're children. xD
On the way out of Dinosaurland, saw some menagerie-like place. Its understandable if the snake choked on the rat, but if their forcing the snake to eat, then its just bad. It was painful just watching it. Dx
Another lifeless ride. Basically just sit in the place, and there's supposed to be a random storyline and the whole ride just vibrates while the walls turn and its just... bleh. I got a headache riding it, but again. WE IS LIFELESS. And it was raining. Amusing to watch the foreigners reactions though. When it ended they all gave blank looks and were like 'Thats it?'
Got bored, starting dragging him in to take pictures. He tried to act cute and failed here, prz. xD
His saving grace! The place David brought us to had the most epic hot chocolate ever! Its basically hot milk and they give you three pieces of chocolate for you to mix it in yourself. And it is so, darn, orgasmicly good! Its HOT CHOCOLATE BROUGHT TO A NEW DEGREE. So in love with it♥
Stoned at the coffeeshop for an hour or so, and we had to catch a bus back down to 1U, so we went to have dinner at a mamak place which apparently, very few people know about. Enlighten me again, how in the world did my darling brother find out about this place? Owait, his a cheapskate, of course he would know. xD
On the way back. These two are horrendously heavy sleepers. How can they sleep in a bus? Nevertheless though, aren't they cute here? Now every say with me. Awwww!
Hmm, that was Thursday. Friday, someone went off to Langkawi, sooooo JJ and I had a sleepover at my house. Wee! Sleepovers are fun, especially when you spend them watching movies and doing the most brainless, ridiculous things ever. Not to mention the EMPTY CINEMA when we went to watch Karate Kid. *coughcough* Pictures are all with her! Go bug her for it. xD
Sunday was spent at Cheer 2010! Cutie DJ as host is cutie. I missed his show today! It airs everyday from 7 to 10. But I'll hear it tomorrow! His seriously super cute. Either that or I just like boyish guys. xD
Uni's starting again next week. I may feel lifeless and stoned at home, but I'd rather be stoned then back at uni, with his crazy workload. T.T Looking forward to the play though! Can't wait for rehearsals. xD