Sometimes I don't get it. How could you just relinquish home like that? I understand it all well enough, Malaysia is a shit country. Hot weather, hopeless politics, useless welfare and biasness and corruption happening left right and center. Its not the best place to live in, I admit that myself... but Malaysia is not the only place with a completely gutter-fied government. I see people complaining about the government in Australia too, and with how great their welfare system here, I'm inclined to believe that people are just complaining for the sake of complaining.
But I digress. What I want to know is, how can you so easily say 'I don't like Malaysia, I want to give up my passport and residency immediately, but family keeps me there.' How can you just as easily say that you would only return there for holidays? Granted, I'm extremely grounded to Malaysia because of my family, but if so then I can just go back there during holidays.
So why am I so attached to my home? I don't know. Might be the ease of which I live there. There is nowhere else where I can just walk in and order my kopi peng or teh 'o' peng and know that everyone will understand me. Its somewhere where I don't have to worry about visa or my passport or even bringing my ID along. Its a place where I'm four hours away from my hometown and half an hour away from my brother should I need anything. I can't exactly text my brother telling him I need a HDMI cable within half an hour and expect him to be there with it if I'm in Australia.

I'm here for six months, and its a learning experience I wouldn't exchange for the world. I love the ease of the public transport here, I adore the weather here to bits, temperamental as it may be. I love the campus lifestyle here, but I wouldn't exchange a life here for my home under any circumstance. Malaysia is home, and its very inexplicable on my part, to explain my attachment to the place. Its just the idea that I've been born and bred there, and no matter how horrible or bad the country or government is, it is still my home. My family and friends are there, my memories linger there, be it good or bad. My whole life is there. I can't just up and leave so easily, and good or bad, its been my home since I've been born.
So I have to admit, when I hear Malaysians saying they don't want to leave Australia or that they would rather come here... I'm just a tad dissapointed that you can just disregard your home so easily.