And why am I updating at 3am in the morning? Because I never want to forget today's date. Or at least, yesterday's night. Because dude, after the sweat and tears and literal blood, our production was aired today! And though it was chaotic and messy, it was something I can never forget. The friends I've made, the memories we have, is something I'll never forget. I wish I could rewind time to re-do everything again. As stressful as it had been, it was also the funnest period♥
But anyway, back to random pictures. Proper production post will come some other dayyy!

A&W date is turning in to a tradition, cause Miss Manan here is addicted to them. xD

Lunch date with the temple family! ♥ We were conned bought in to more work. xD

Shark's fin soup during buffet lunch! I didn't take the shark fin bits though. The way people procure sharks fin is too .... yuck. >.<

Ended up in AC after the lunch, cause we didn't really wanted to go home. Turtles! Super cute ones all sunning on top of each other. xD

Ended up playing pool, which I seriously suck at. I need someone to teach me! I can barely hit the cue ball sometimes. T_T

Potato Gratin! Always wanted to try, and its nice! Creamy and potato-ish, is awesome. xD

Green tea tiramisu! I don't like green tea stuff, and neither do I really like tiramisu. But this is really really good, no kidding!

Dinner on one of the rehearsal nights! It looked so cute in the chinese packaging looking thingy, I had to take a picture. xD

Ticket sales throughout the whole week for production night! Which sales was awesome btw. Sold out! ♥

Jelly from Daiso! New one opened in Pyramid, and Cyren and I spammed stuff. Though I only bought jelly cause japanese jelly is epic awesome! Fruits and everything, which I shared with my J-by cause I know she likes'em. xD

Melissa's Mr. Ong bought this for her! Super cute, right? Can cling on our tables summore. xD

Breaktime during rehearsals! The girls and I playing a game! Which was fun, though I is not otaku, da jie jie! xD

Group huggg! ♥

Back to work! We were doing the lockers for a scene, and Gwen and Mel started doing a rain dance.... apparently to help it dry. I have no idea how. xD

Prop making is a mess! The whole corridor looked like a whirlwind attacked it and died there or something. And the floor was all the colors of the rainbow! But at least now it looks presentable. xD

Cheese naan near Lei's house is epic. because goddamnit the cheese just oozes out as you eat it, how is that not epic? *flails*
And now the tired-ness is setting in. But either way, October 8th 2010 is a date i'll definitely never forget. Hairspray cast ftw! And it is my greatest hope and wish to be able to work with all of you again one day♥
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