Tiring! I'm hardly home these days, apparently. But I have a social life now! Would you rather have me stuck on the computer all day, or at least out socializing with people people? Aish. Just got home from sleepovers, so this will be a random dump of backlog of pictures again. xD

Kitty from the temple! The keeper from the temple saved them cause their mother died methinks, and thats how they feed them milk. The black kitty had died though, the last time we checked. Dx

OMGWTFLOL! I had to buy it la. It was so... us. xD


I stole someone's sunglasses, cause I have my own pair but almost never take them outta the car. They look sorta cool though. Me likes!

Random cricket I saw courting death cause he was sitting on top of a scorpion, aka the one whom will eat him soon.x D

Bobdog! Had an infection to his back, so they had to shave off his fur, and now he has a bald patch wtf. xD

Went to car wash with Jase's car! Yes, I haven't been to an automated car wash in a long long time, let me be jakun for a moment. Grawr!
Give a couple of long time friends a camera with special functions, and this is what you get. xD EPIC PROPORTIONS OF CAMWHORINGGG! :p
Commercial break = food!

Hot chocolate is always epic! Okay, back to our daily program.

Hairspray celebration dinner that night! But the family went earlier because we wanted to look at the bazaar plus spend some time together. xD Oh! Pictures that are pretty are from Leisha's Baby DSLR, because my crappy camera has no such awesome quality pictures.

Dinner was at 7, at Bubba Gump. Look at our superheroes! Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and our very own Flash. xD

With their... um, so called damsels in distress. Because honestly, I doubt we'll ever be in distress, even if we are damsels. xD

Sarah darling! I'm going to miss her so much. She was an awesome president to work with. T_T

But we have Su-Ann next sem! And she's just as awesome, so I'm not too worked up over it. ^_^
This dude though, I'm definitely going to miss. Because c'mon! He's probably never going to come back again, and thus never going to see him again, like, period. Darn you Tommy Irianto. Grawwr!

This dude though, probably not so much. because he promised he'll come back and I'm keeping him to that promise. Silly boy cried from ring wtf. SO SOFTTT. ;p

Is ring pretteh? Yes yes yes?! Its purple! :p

Cute little cauldron! With Gwen's scampi soup I think, but I just like the cauldron shape. Cause I didn't eat much that night anyway. :p

Yes, huge group hug with more then 20 people is like... I was getting sauna-ed to death. Orgy of faces! Yes, I believe I'll miss these people very, very, very very much. Dx
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