I... have nothing interesting in my life to update on. Life's pretty boring these days actually. So I shall dish out a dose of random pictures taken throughout the last couple of weeks!
Lotsa assignments these days. Have three whose deadline is next week. Yes, thats three computers you see. Netbook has the notes from class, laptop has the notes from old classes, and Mike the desktop is where all the stuff is actually done. Not to mention all the books around. I'm apparently a very messy worker. Dx
Rose! Lindley's birthday was on Monday! Andrew got her a rose, so pretty can?
Birthday girl who got two birthday songs sang to her, cause whichever lecture theatre where all of us were at, we just launched in to a birthday song for her. Heehee. ♥
Alex's doodles! The girl's such a cutie, she draws on her notebooks whenever she's bored in class. Is so cute can, her drawings!
Stalker pics during lecture! I was bored during COM1020 la! Callum's a superbly nice lecturer, but the topic itself is so dry, it makes me so sleepy. Dx
Alex doodles, like a lot! Her milk and cheese is superbly cute please.
MPAC rehearsals! I was bored, so I spammed pictures with my pretty ballerina bottle. xD My camera actually takes pretty nice pictures, surprisingly. O-O As long as it focuses correctly of course.
Obligatory. ^___^
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