Don't really have much to update about. Except omg my new header, I look so spazztic in it. xD I like the cat tail plant though! Is so pretty and floofy, is why I had it there. And the gateway at the park near my house.
Stoning in Uni! Yes we have epic beanbags and even better company, because all of us apparently has superbly random stoning times. xD That boy in second picture is my stalkee (?) because I apparently talk to him more now that I don't share with a class with him, then before when I actually did share a class with him. Weird. :p
My book for my music assignment! Japanese Music & Pop Culture, but I took the picture only cause I like the picture. Its an angel guitar, and the angel is playing a harp if you can't see it properly. Looks epically cool please.
Remember my shoppping trip with KML? YES. WE HAS SAME SHOES NOW. Actually, she bought them first, I went back afterwards to get my pink ones. But yes we match now, sorta. Sometimes. :p
Stalkee's Ipad!!! Which is damn epic cool, I love playing with it. Its not something I'd spend money on la, and not something I would use long term. But if you need something to go online with cause you're damn bored, and can't find a computer/laptop, its perfect. Its like a book! Scratch that, its lighter then all of my readers.
Brother's house on Friday night! Been a while since I last went there, grandma cooked awesome 'shark fin' soup for me. Inverted commas cause their all vegetables inside, and I don't eat shark fin soup anyway. I find the way they get the fins of the shark completely inhumane, I can't stomach the thing.
My daughter! The cutest schnauzer you will ever see, please. Chiko-chan is adorable, see how she cocks her head? And she can dance too! Look!
Is she cute, or is she cute? She can do go round too! Everytime I sit down, she just goes one round around me and sit down in front of me, expecting me to give her a treat. Pssh. Spoilt child, she is.
And my other children too!
And my bodyguard! Superbly protective of my family and me, but is so so jelly in our hands. His such a sweetiepie, and I adore him♥
Okay, should probably get started on the last two assignments now. Dx
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