University is so omfg hell. Monash somehow piles the assignments/quizzes/essays on you like there's no tomorrow, and then expect you to survive everything. Aish. BUT I SHALL PERSEVERE. Together with MUSA and MPAC. Because I have to. Because I chose everything I'm doing now myself, I'll be a hypocrite to my own self if I don't. I've been barely getting enough sleep lately from staying up late to do work, but I spent today out instead of finishing my FTV essay. Bad idea, but I needed a break.
I went to Amcorp Mall! Haven't been there for half an age, and the last time I went I was a kid. I forgot how the flea market there is oh so amazing. How so? They sell the most amount of antiques I've ever seen. Its not a typical flea market there with handmade stuff. Its really, old-school flea market with stuff people take from their homes to sell.

Gramaphones! And old black discs! dude, how often do you find stuff like this these days. But here in Amcorp Mall, even the CD shop has this in a rack. I even found the original soundtrack for Grease! Not that I bought it, I'll never be able to play it. But it was amusing to see.

The only other place I've ever seen this chair was at my grandma's house in penang. And I don't even see them anymore these days, i have no idea where they went. But their antiques? wow, then my grandma's house must have a lot of these then. xP

I have no idea what this is. A cinema reel? If it is, then
man thats oldddd. We don't even use VCR's anymore, much less reels.

Old cutlery! Knives and spoons and forks were the most interesting items there. I never knew the old cutlery used were rather different.

I'm guessing coke bottles from all over the place? Or different types? I have no idea.

Old army hardhats! They were steel and were slightly greening around the edges. Definitely old. xD

Dude, I haven't ever seen cameras like those except for the one my grandpa has which he used to own when he was a teen apparently. And those irons are god-awesome heavy. They were super heavy as it is, I could barely pick them up! Imagine hot coals were placed inside to heat them up before ironing the clothes back in the days. My grandma used to use this apparently. Dayum. And I'm not so sure if those are deco, or real viking axes or something, but they were

Instruments! I'll probably be learning about these in the next sem, for my Asian music elective, but woo! I think the flat, guitar-looking one is made out of turtle shell if I ain't mistaken.

Locks! Like, huge ass heavy ones too. They were the size of my palm, and I have no idea what key do you use to unlock them.
Oh! And there was this shop in a corner of the flea market, nearer to the escalators which sold all sort of things.

I asked my mom if she would wear that. She gave me 'the look'. Whats wrong with it?! All flappy and furry. >D

They sold old Form 4 textbooks! 8D

Even boxful of knives wtf. I went O-O when I saw them. Who the heck sold a boxful of knives just like that?
Ended up buying some treble clef stuff for my cousin just before we went out to this bookshop in Amcorp which has like... incredibly cheap books. You know how Dan Brown books are like, 70 over outside? Its sold for 9.90 there! The book is called Xcess or something, and I'm definitely returning there to get more books to read. I bought the whole set of Warriors books for 49.90! All six of them!
Anyway, its back to hitting the books and microsoft word to finish my essay. I can't wait for holidays next week. Mid-sem break my saviouh~
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