Self is now in Melbourneee! Yes, land Down Under, where the weather is pretty pleasent, but I think i froze my nose off watching penguins coming up on Philip Island yesterday. Weee! But Melbourne updates for another day, let me get rid of my backlog of pictures first. xD

Snowflake again! Three diff ways of mixing it. From bottom up, the carefully mixed, the evenly mixed, and the.... 'you guys take picture and tag me on facebook, i eat first' (Manan, L., 2010). xD

Lookit! For those of you who remeber, this used to be a 'permanent fixture' in McDonalds. Somehow they removed it though. And now they bring it back as a 'new' product, and call it thw Twister. Honestly now? You'd think we're dumb and don't remember it. I still like it though! Nomnom. xP

Golden monster was starting to look like a shaggy mess of fur, so we decided to give him a groom!

Now he's all bald on his back! Honestly, I prefer him this way, but the parentals didn't. I find it much neater and cleaner though, but oh well. *shrugs*

Sleepover again! We had a picnic in Mel's backyard with our egg sammiches and biscuits for the yeast-allergic KML. xD

Kaya Kok for midnight snacks! Yes, all the way from Ipoh yo. ML brough it back for us, and I think I breathed in about 5 of them. Sooo good♥

Playing Pokemon Cards! With ML and Kevin, Mel mummeh was my teacher because I haven't played them in so long, I literally forgot how to play them. xD Is all good though. And Kevin gave me my Eeveelutions cards! ♥

Poriddge for breakfast, which Mel's mum cooked for us. Not a poriddge person, but this one was omnyomnyom pretty good!

Cereal for midday snack! Yes, we eat about five meals a day when we have a sleepover, so there. xD

Oh! Mel's wall can be decorated, so Lei, Mei and me all decided to leave our mark on her wall. Thats me and Lei slaving over our tiles on the wall.

Thats Mei doing hers. Notice the empty wall?

10 minutes later. Yeap, still empty. She's way too OCD! xD She kept rubbing whatever she wrote off for about... twenty times, methinks. :p

Twister at Mel's place! Because it was raining and we had to wait for the rain to stop before we went swimming, hence to pass time. xD As usual, Mei being the most limber of us all, won. xD She should be banned from playing twister. xD

It was wednesday! So as usual, we went for Pink day at BR. Strawberry Cheesecake and Baseball Nut♥

Ikea meatballs on wednesday too! Because they had to go for rehearsals, I tagged along just so we could go eat ikea meatballs, omnyomnyom! ♥ And now, I has to go cause we're going to QV market today! xD
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