EXAMS ARE OVERR! Boo-yah, movies, series, books, all come to me! ♥ I actually have the time to sit down and read and watch now! Without the guilt of course. :P Ooh! Pokemon! xD But anyway, this also means I have the time to actually sit down and do random picture dump again. xD

Waffle's at A&w! Yes we were still addicted. Keyword being were. Next up on our addiction list~

Snowflake! Only the best dessert shop ever. Everything just tastes epically good there. xD

New six cheese pizza from Pizza Hut! I just take pizza in general doses, but the six cheese pizza is really really good! No kidding, I love it♥

UFO from Snowflake! Yeah, this is how they tell you your order is up. you don't have to stand around the counter causing congestion in one part of the shop. You just go back with this device to your seat, and when your food is ready it'll flash red and buzz, and then you go and pick it up! Nice, no? xD

IKEA MEATBALLS!♥ Went with the twoness, I haven't had them in forever and a day, and they're so so good. So addicted to them, I can drink up all the sauce and never get sick of it.

Brownies and ice cream at dessert bar in subang parade is epic loves too! The rest of the traffic light sisters just spammed on it. xD

Potluck at Leisha's house the other day! With soba, bolognese spaghetti and aglio olio, we were spamming on noodles. But everything finished anyway, which just proves we're hungry monsters who'll consume everything in our way. xD

Look what da jie jie gave all of us! ♥♥♥

We played a game called ginrami too! Leisha's family plays it a lot apparently. That tile up there, is the joker. Lisa calls it a carrot though. xD

Its addictive! I swear to anything holy, its very very addictive. That day, we sat down to play at 6, and played all the way up till 10pm at night. Even after exams, the first thing we did was go and play ginrami at Leisha's house. VERY ADDICTIVE.

Chibi-chan at brother's house! She still looks like an overgrown mat. xD

Epic awesome BBQ roasted chicken rice at Johnny's steamboat. Oddly enough, their called a steamboat shop, but IMO their best food is their BBQ chicken and fried chicken. xD

Epic trident/spork/whatchamacallit that Ben made for his devil costume! The rest of the Halloween pictures can be seen at J's blog. :p Too lazy to copy them.x D

I went as an angel! Lookit mah halo! The very handyman made it too. xD

Making jack-o-lanterns! And having coconut juice. :P

See! people with murderous tendencies, tsktsktsk. xD

Ooh ooh ooh! Cubed fruits with yogurt, only the best thing ever created. It tastes so good♥

And I can has new maxi dress from Kitschen! :P
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