Fuh. Just finished watching LCW's watch with Lin Dan in the London Olympics badminton men's singles finals. Never actually sat down and watched something sports related and felt such intense stress and adrenaline before. That was a first, albeit very stressful. I was clawing at walls and cushions when it was down to the final few points. :P

Sure, LCW didn't win. So what? He played an amazing game, and for someone who just recovered from a ligament injury, it was just jawdropping. He loss sure, but he also managed to unite the whole nation, and he remains a hero at the very least in Malaysia's eyes. You put our country on the map, and nevermind the internal affairs and politics that goes on, with this game we know that when push comes to shove, Malaysians will also stand behind each other, be there for one another. Why say you're sorry? Say anything but sorry, because you put up an amazing fight, you made Lin Dan worry that maybe he may not win, you gave it your all and then some, and thats what matters the most. Malaysia is still proud of you, and will always be proud of you for all your effort, and a silver's better then nothing aight? ;)
Sometimes I don't get why people keep saying that he's fighting for the incentive, the gold bar, the prize money, and that they want the holiday and the free ice cream if he wins. So what if we lose the holiday, the ice cream, the money? We want, and I'm sure thats what LCW was fighting for to, for national pride and for our anthem to be played in the Wembley Arena. With his retirement (maybe?), perhaps we still have a long wait in front of us, but I hold out hope that one day we will hear it. And perhaps thats why I'm home. Because I will never feel such attachment to any other country.
Because at the core of it all, no matter where I am or who I'm with, I'm a Malaysian through and through, and I'd rather be home than anywhere else in the world.
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