Went to Ikea with the sisters last week! omnomnom, they call this the Princess cake, and its awesome♥ Sweet and creamy.

I can't decide between the Princess cake or Daim cake though, since both are equally good♥

Of course, a meal in Ikea is never complete without Meatballs! Its meaty goodness with the jam they serve.

I think I found a new favourite though. Their vegetarian pasta is really good! The pasta itself, is chewy and soft and ... just all round omnomness♥

This was dumplings from the Saturday me and Mei was studying and decided to kidnap Lei and go for Snowflakes. yes, I can never resist dumplings. xP

Dimsum breakfast! This is what I always have when I go for dimsum. salad prawns, HK chee cheong fun...

... and har gao! I usually get the spare ribs and some other stuff too, but I had a craving for glass skin stuff that day. xD
Made mashed potato to bring to uni the other day, last week I think. Because the sisters have been bugging me about it. xD Its like I'm their unpaid cook!
Crisis in the uni! We couldn't get the locker door to open. D;
Oh, and Mel brought her new polaroid camera that day! its so pretty, if the film wasn't so expensive I'd definitely get it. D:

We spammed on it. Sort of, not really since the film is expensive. But we made the most of it!
Even changed it to all of our wallpapers! xD
We surprised her on that day for her birthday too. :P

The brother has a new BB, and i love this wallpaper!
Bought a set of keychains for the sisters!
And also the stepdaddy's birthday last week! Spammed on Mahathir's memoirs for him. Which btw, I find entirely uninteresting but he was enamoured with. *shrugs* Grown ups. Aish.
Lamb date with Mei! Our lunch consisted of shepherds pie, and lamb shank!
Yes, we both be humongous lamb eaters. It was so good♥
Of course, its never complete without cake! Her chocolate indulgence and my strawberry mashmallow cheescake, epic win♥
Wall of Hated Food in Monash. Its the students protest against the cafetaria food, which is horrendous and expensive. Its why the sisters and I have been bringing food to school instead of buying these days. Dx
Was baking again the other day! Why, you ask? Because its for the sleepover we had of course!

Mei and I gave out the stuff we had for the sisters. xD Cute towels omg♥

Chicken! Kokkokai~

Why yes, we did have our dinner at 10:30 pm that night, any problem? xD

Again, polaroids are ♥
Its been raining a lot these days, and its such a hassle if I was in uni and need to go home. but if I happen to be at home while it rains, I can't be happier. Its such a comfy weather! Except, I really don't like the lightning and thunder. Dx
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