Chocolate Cake Mei brought for us during postcol lecture! omnomnom, I ate them with chopsticks.
A&W Waffle date! During our 2 hour break before club meeting. Mahgah I miss you oh so much you waffley goodness♥

MPAC IS BACK IN SESSION FOR 2011. Fun as always in club meetings. xD

He stole my poncho! D:

Satay celup homemade in the brother's house last week! I love the peanut-y, spicy awesomeness that is satay celup.
Snowflake! Tis now a weekly thing after club meetings every monday with Mei, Lei, Ale and Emily if she's around. How can anyone resist the beauty that is snowflake? D:
They couldn't figure out how to open my boot that night after snowflake. *snerk* xD
Korean street food! Another one of our random dates. We do have alot of food we eat. xP
At Daiso. THE GIRL SPENT A GOOD 20 MINUTES TRYING TO FIGURE THIS OUT. And she refused to let me mix it up once she was done. D:
Food again! Fried rice Mel made for us! Omnomnom♥
KML BOUGHT KAYA KOK FOR ME FROM IPOH! THE BEST ONE EVER♥ I finished it in two days, jsyk. xP
The parents abandoned me for breakfast one day, so I drove down to Skypark to get McD breakkie! i love it♥
Durian for dinner one night! At Uncle Siew Pan's place, because the mother disallows any form of durian to even get near the front gate, much less in the house.
Was baking again last week! Trying out a new recipe!
Lemon meringue tarts! pretty successful, if I must say so myself. *shot*
Okay awkward abrupt ending here's a picture of my dog to make you happy. ^_^
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