I haven't been shopping in ages! This is what being a student in Monash entails, I suppose. Sucking your life out of your bone as they be so generous with assignments and skimping on the time to do them. So yeah, momma had work near 1U today, and I tagged along to do some shopping. Not much
shopping per say, more walking around aimlessly alone. :p
Had lunch at the food court of 1U! Which, if i do say so myself, has the most variety of food there. They just lack the place to actually SIT and eat. But there's so many Japanese food there! Perfect for a Jap junkie like me.

Obento! More like donburis, which is basically just a single/dual dish on top of rice. But its delish! Albeit, the rice given may be just a tad too much, but the way the sauce just drips to soak the rice completely is delicious, especially if eaten warm. And the Jusco at 1U is particular good at this because they have so many different varieties! The one at Pyramid only has Unagi, much is the pity.

Tonnes of sushi choices to pick from! There's two counters, I only snapped a picture of one!
There's even Okonomiyaki and Tako! My two favorite, and I haven't been able to find okonomiyaki stalls anywhere! Its not as good as the ones in Japan I bet, the ones here are a tad too thick with batter, but hey its okonomiyaki nontheless.

Bubble tea! My favourite! Except I never actually eat the black pearls, I just like the milk tea. Hee.

And any amount of fried stuff you can have! And buy of course. Its not healthy, but its yummy!

Cause there was no place to sit if I were to actually buy a donburi or something though, I settled for okonomiyaki and McD. Where i've come to realize there's a reason why burgers only have one patty. Two patties is simply too much, as much as you are a meat person. xP

Went to see sticky making again! Its so cool, how the sweet makers all have heat proof gloves cause all of the sweets need to be made on a hot surface. I'd lose pounds if I work there I guess. xD

Saw a custom request! As in someone wanted a custom made sweet jar, with the words Name♥Name. Well, there's an actual name but I forgot what was it, but either way, thats the literal meaning of darn, thats sweet.

I'm oddly enough, happy to spend the afternoon in a bookshop though. I had all of half an hour of walking around, before ensconcing myself in MPH to read a book. Funny how I can be happier with books and the quiet atmosphere in a bookshop then out shopping. Hee.

I thought shopping was a surefire way to get rid of any melancholy feelings. Why isn't it working?
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