Impromptu trip back to Penang! Cause its the gramma's birthday and I haven't went back for her birthday for as long as I can remember.

Jawa mee! I hate eating the yellow mee they use for this seriously, but the one in SP is so damn good, I just cbb. I just literally breathe in everything and still want more. Yes, I'm fat I know. BUT ITS AUTHENTIC SP JAWA MEE. ;_;

On the way out! You know how my Titanic is like, so it took like... an hour for us to even get moving out of the gates. In five cars. xD

While preparing! There's four full-grown ladies in the family, and there's going to be another four on the way. Now with us four, its bad enough. Imagine the future? xD
Chaos in the restaurant! Trying to have a sit down dinner with three hyperactive kids isn't exactly the best idea jsyk. But then again, we usually leave them to their own devices when the food comes. They know better then to cause trouble, so they're good enough. :p
Picture time! From the top, following the cousins in the years they were born. 1994, 1989, 1991, and its Form 2, Form 1 and Standard 6 clumped together. We're missing the three hyperactive kids, as well as the two guys and one lil girl that couldn't make it and Annie's elder sisters, but its still cousins♥

Waiting for food! Which would probably contribute to how we all look so bored and listless. xD

Food! Finally! We were all starving by then, so I wasn't all too surprised when the first few dishes were wiped out quickly.

Look at the hands swerving in to get food! Its a battle of the chopsticks and spoons. Who will prevail?! Who will win?!
But here's the hilarious part. Back in the days, there used to be a kid table and an adults table. Now there's still two tables, except its more like teens and adults now cause we're all grown up, save for a couple of third generation kids. Now, back in the days, we were the ones who used to pass unfinished plates of food to our parents. Now? We're the ones clearing the food out.
See this plate of food?

We cleared it out in 30 seconds. I kid you not. Seriously. After this plate I couldn't even be bothered to take pictures of the food anymore, or I'd be at the losing end of the food-fest. Even whilst I was taking pictures, I could see my cousins all grabbing their chopsticks as if they were preparing for war or something. I swear, we somehow mutated in to hungry-hyena's as we grew up. xD

Cake session back at home! Because the restaurant was too noisy and it'd be way too hectic trying to arrange everyone for cake ceremony at the restaurant.

Carrot cake! Its like the one from La Manilla, but LM's one is better I think. This one has three layers, the top cream layer, the middle cake layer and the raisin based layer. One of my cousins will take the cream, cause she doesn't like the other two layers. I'll take the raisin layer, cause I don't want cake or cream. And the cake layer will go to my other cousin. Win win win situation. :p

Three pot-bellied uncles! People with small-sized bellies are rejected wtf. That small dude is my young cousin trying to use them as a punching bag or something I think.
Its really not too hard to believe their brothers, really. I find it harder to believe that they're the two youngest ones. xD
Took us five hours to get home, god knows why was it jammed up on the road. Its not CNY, its not Hari Raya, its not even Deepavali! So why is it jammed? Aish. Either way, its sleep time for me'z. Butt hurts from sitting too long in car. ;_;